Return in case of Damage in Transit.
While cases are extremely rare, damages do happen sometimes. We request that you inspect your item(s) upon delivery. If your item(s) shipped via common carrier i.e. FedEx or UPS, simply refuse delivery and contact us immediately for a replacement. For LTL deliveries i.e. Yellow Freight, Con-Way, Road-Runner, etc., print "Damaged Upon Arrival" where you sign for the items and refuse delivery. After delivery is refused, we will file a claim and send you a replacement product. It is the duty of the customer to inspect the product at the time of receipt, document and photograph any deficiencies, defects, or damage, and contact our customer support as soon as possible. If the product is accepted and damaged, you will be responsible for filing a claim with the proper carrier. In all other cases, damaged merchandise will not be subject to return to, or acceptance by, ModernBedroom. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, ModernBedroom reserves the right to repair any damage claimed under this paragraph in lieu of return or exchange.
Returns or Exchanges.
ModernBedroom wants every one of your shopping experiences with us to be a positive one. We are happy to offer our customers a simple, no hassle return policy with no restocking fees! In the unlikely event that you are unhappy with your item, you may return it to us for a full refund of the purchase price less the actual shipping cost. Any discounts or free shipping applied to your original order may be deducted from your return credit. For example, if we offered free shipping on your order, we will issue you a credit for the purchase price of the returned merchandise, but will deduct our actual shipping costs for returned items.
Items must be completely unassembled and unused, in their original condition and packaging, complete with all materials. Customers are responsible for returning the item to its warehouse of origin using the same shipping method used for outbound shipment. Please feel free to call us at 800-818-9330 if you'd like additional information about the outbound shipping cost of an item you want to return. Refunds will be issued once we have received the item and it has been determined to be in like-new condition.
Before sending back an item, please contact us through our customer service form to request a Return Authorization number. Once we receive your return request we will contact you within 24 hours with information regarding your return. All return requests must be made within 7 days of delivery. All returns must be sent insured for the purchase price. If an item is returned with shipping damage, it is the customer's responsibility to file a claim for the damaged merchandise. Bedding, textiles and any item marked as "Special Order" are not returnable. Clearance items may not be returned or exchanged.
We do not accept returns on orders outside the United States.